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5 Debilitating Phobias and How to Deal with Them

5 Debilitating Phobias and How to Deal with Them

Phobias are irrational and intense fears of specific situations or objects, and they can severely impact our quality of life. These phobias may seem silly to people without the phobia but for individuals suffering from the phobia. It can lead to anxiety, depression, and outlandish avoidance tactics. Throughout this article, we’ll pick apart five debilitating phobias and tell you how to deal with them. 


Agoraphobia is a phobia of open spaces, public spaces, and situations that can be difficult to escape or help may not be immediately available. People suffering from agoraphobia are often crippled with intense panic and anxiety attacks, which can heavily restrict their daily lives. 

Even though agoraphobia can place extreme limits on a person’s life, there are many effective strategies for dealing with the disorder. For example, exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, and relaxation techniques help increase a person’s ability to handle the situation without presenting symptoms. 

Social Phobias

Social phobia (social anxiety disorder) is a phobia define by an excessive fear of social situations. People with social phobia often feel like they’re being judged or scrutinised by others, which can lead to extreme embarrassment, anxiety, and self-consciousness. This can lead to decreased self-esteem, impaired professional/academic performance, and a complete avoidance of social interactions. 

The most effective way to overcome social phobia is through a combination of therapy and self-management techniques. By targeting the treatment of underlying fears and developing coping mechanisms! people with social anxiety disorder can go on to live healthier lives full of meaningful relationships. 


Emetophobia, commonly referred to as “vomiting phobia”, is an extreme fear of vomiting or seeing people vomiting. As with other phobias on this list, this phobia can cause extreme distress, avoidance behaviours, and anxiety. 

Treatment for emetophobia starts with identifying triggers, which can be achieved with the help of an emetophobia treatment specialist. For deeper information on “What is emetophobia?” and available treatment options, read this article on Dealing with emetophobia: Treatment insights.


Flying is one of the safest modes of transport, but that doesn’t stop around 5% of the population suffering from aerophobia, which is an irrational and extreme fear of flying. Aerophobia often stems from a fear of heights, general anxiety disorders, or negative/traumatic experiences of flying. 

Managing aerophobia can be challenging, but there are several effective strategies that people can try. The most common types of treatment include exposure therapy, cognitive reconstructuring, relaxation, and coming up with distraction techniques. 


Claustrophobia is a fear of confined spaces but on a persistent and excessive level. People with claustrophobia can feel as though they’re being suffocated just from the thought of being trapped in a confined space. Symptoms include intrusive thoughts, physical symptoms (swearing, rapid heartbeat, nausea), and an intense fear of elevators, crowds, tunnels, small cars, and crowded rooms. 

Treatments for claustrophobia include personal coping mechanisms, support groups, and therapist support to treat underlying triggers. 

Even though phobias can be debilitating, sufferers can gain control through a series of professional treatments and self-care strategies

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