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6 Reasons Why All Meat Needs to Be Vaccinated Before Processing It

In many cases, animal meat is exposed to a high risk of diseases brought about by bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses. Therefore, it is crucial to protect the meat against these organisms. Typically, meat vaccinating programs are essential to ensure the meat is free from infectious diseases before processing begins. It can also help protect consumers from harmful organisms such as salmonella that can pass on from the meat to people, thus safeguarding the food produced. Here are some of the primary reasons why vaccinating meat before processing is a good idea.

Prevent Infectious Diseases

Besides treating animals that produce meat, vaccinating their meat can be helpful. Meat vaccines are essential to lower the risk posed by various infectious diseases. Usually, farm animals are susceptible to disease-causing bacteria that pose adverse threats to their health. Therefore, vaccine programs help reduce the risk of exotic diseases and ensure that the food produced from animals are fit and safe for human consumption. Similarly, they help conserve the meat to preserve the essential nutrients.

To Ensure the Meat is Safe for Processing

Consuming healthy meat is essential is preventing us from potential transmittable diseases. However, most people tend to think that meat inspection is only limited to a carcass. But the truth is that meat inspection starts right before the animal is slaughtered. This is to check if the animal is suffering from critical health conditions that may make it unsafe for human consumption. Furthermore, improper meat handling may result in cross-contamination that may also lead to meat poisoning, thus making it dangerous for human use. Therefore, it is crucial to administer the vaccination to all types of meat before they can be processed to ensure the initial quality of the meat is maintained.

To Comply with the Set Regulations

Another critical reason to vaccinate meat is to comply with the government’s meat regulating bodies. It is crucial to adhere to the meat set standards to enable you to operate smoothly. Meat Standard Australia is responsible for grading the quality of meat processed to ensure consumers are eating the right meat. Also, the Australia Meat and Live-stock Industry is responsible for licensing companies that comply with the expected meat quality. Additionally, apart from observing the meat standards, it also critical for meat companies to follow the labor guidelines. The Agri Labour is among the top-performing farm companies that adhere to the established rules and guidelines.

Avoid Food Poisoning

Food poisoning occurs as a result of lacking effective measures to ensure the supply chain is free from the cross- contaminations. Poor meat handling after slaughter may lead to campylobacter, which is popularly known for causing food poisoning, listeria, and salmonella. Similarly, food poisoning can lead to various health issues such as vomiting, cramps, nausea, high temperatures, abdominal pain, and fever. These symptoms can show after about two to three days and can escalate to more severe health issues if they persist, which may result in hospitalization or even death.

To Avoid Costly Penalties

Some practices that may seem cheap initially may be costly in the long run. Sometimes it is essential to observe the laid down procedures to enable your business to run smoothly. Therefore, it is vital to vaccinate meat to avoid future costly penalties. Remember that treating your meat places you at a better position in case of unforeseen occurrences. For instance, if you fail to vaccinate meat and food poisoning happens during processing, you may be held responsible for negligence. Which may, in turn, affect your operations and even attract unnecessary penalties that you could have prevented in the first place. On the other hand, you may also need to vaccinate your meat to abide by labeling standards that require you to meet specific operation criteria.

Enhance Food Safety

Just like humans, animals are exposed to several diseases. Fortunately, these diseases can be or treated by vaccines. Vaccines eradicate diseases such as rinderpest that killed several farm animals. Which means that vaccines can improve the safety of animal food. Moreover, vaccinating meat protects not only the food but also the consumers from diseases that can be passed on from the meat. Most importantly, vaccines undergo strict testing to ensure they are safe to use on animal meat, thus putting consumer safety at the top.


Eric Reyes is a passionate thought leader having been featured in 50 distinguished online and offline platforms. His passion and knowledge in Finance and Business made him a sought after contributor providing valuable insights to his readers. You can find him reading a book and discussing current events in his spare time.

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