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Everyone thinks of one image when they first hear cannabis — a young teenage boy destroying his life. However, contrary to common notions, cannabis has other purposes than to merely encroach on the lives of teenagers. The cannabis plant, also known as hemp, is a flowering plant in the Cannabaceae family. They refer to a class of three plants, known as ‘Cannabis sativa’, ‘Cannabis indica’, and ‘Cannabis ruderalis’.

Cannabis consists of over 120 components, which are known as cannabinoids. Scientists are still studying the exact nature of each cannabinoid, but they have an elaborate understanding of two of them — cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Each of these components has its own effects. While CBD is a psychoactive cannabinoid, it is not intoxicating or euphoric, in other words, its use will not get you “high”. It is used in the areas of pain and inflammation, to reduce swelling and help with the suffering. It is also used temporarily to ease nausea, migraine, seizures, and anxiety issues. THC is the primary psychoactive component in cannabis, which results in the “high” people associate cannabis with.


Cannabis laws vary from one area to another. In the US, more and more states are legalizing cannabis for both its recreational and medical purposes, however, it still remains illegal under US Federal Law. Countries may put a variety of restrictions on the use of cannabis, such as restrict it only to medical purposes, allow the use of products with only CBD in them, etc. One must always read up on the laws regarding cannabis in their area before exploring it.


Cannabis is a versatile product; irrespective of one’s needs, lifestyles, or preferences, one can find a form of cannabis that suits them. Cannabis extract is a highly concentrated form of marijuana, generated through a solvent-based scientific and technical process and extraction method. Generally, extracts are created for people who require a potent high-grade concentrate of THC or CBD. A CBD/THC extract usually has an aroma and taste similar to the strain that it was extracted from.

CBD extract is typically an oil, which can be added to other products such as lotions, creams etc. While there is no concrete scientific proof to back the claims of consumers and CBD manufacturing companies, scientists and researchers have developed an increasing interest in the research of its benefits. The research is promising and indicates some tangible benefits. Some of the most well-documented benefits of CBD are tending to seizures, enhancing gastrointestinal symptoms, stunting the growth of cancer cells,  easing chronic pain, and helping mental well-being. Other potential benefits of CBD are improvements in multiple sclerosis and reduction of sleep issues.

THC and CBD have more or less similar benefits, owing to the fact that most researchers study the benefits of cannabis as a whole, it is difficult to distinguish whether a certain effect comes from THC or CBD or some other component in cannabis. Typically, THC is known to help with pain, muscle spasticity, glaucoma, low appetite, anxiety, and nausea.


THC may cause temporary side effects such as:-

CBD may cause side effects such as:-

Hence, before exploring cannabis or its extracts, one must gauge the complete picture –the legalities, its properties, benefits, and side effects. If possible, it is advisable to not explore the same without medical supervision.

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