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Cyber Attack Awareness: 10 Different Types of Attacks to Be Aware of in 2023

Modern life is a lot more fun because of all the technological devices and the internet that make them possible. Every good thing has a bad side, and the digital world of today is no different. Even though the Internet has made our lives better, it has also made data security a lot harder. It increases knowledge about cyber attack awareness

This post will discuss the many types of cyber attack awareness and how to avoid them.

What Is Cyber Attack Awareness?

We will first guide you through a cyber attack before moving on to the various types of cyber attack awareness. Cyber attacks happen when someone gets into a system or network without permission. Someone who commits a cyberattack is called a hacker or an attacker.

Cyberattacks have some detrimental repercussions. When an attack is made, it could lead to data breaches, which could cause data to be lost or changed. Companies lose money, lose customers’ trust, and hurt their reputations. We use cyber security training to prevent cyberattacks. Cyber security training is the process of teaching you how to protect networks, computer systems, and their constituent parts against unwanted digital access.

Types Of Cyber Attack Awareness

Cyber attacks come in a wide variety and are commonplace nowadays. Knowing the different types of cyberattacks makes it simpler to defend our systems and networks against them. Here, we’ll take a careful look at the top 10 cyber-attacks that, depending on their size, may either harm a person or a major corporation.

1. Malware Attack

This cyberattack is common. Malware includes spyware, ransomware, adware, trojan, and worm horses. Trojan software looks legitimate. Spyware steals private data, whereas ransomware blocks internet access. Adware displays banner adverts and various commercial content.

Preventing malware attacks:

2. Phishing Attack

One of the most common types of cyber attacks is phishing. An attacker poses as a trustworthy contact and sends the victim phishing emails. Unaware, the victim opens the letter, clicks on the malicious link, or opens the attachment. Attackers acquire account passwords and private data. Phishing may install malware.

Use these actions to avoid phishing:

3. Password Attack

It is an attack in which a hacker uses programs and tools like Aircrack, Cain, Abel, John the Ripper, Hashcat, etc., to break your password. There are many different kinds of password attacks, such as brute force, dictionary, and keylogger.

Preventing password attacks:

4. Man-in-the-Middle Attack

Eavesdropping is another name for a Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM). In this attack, the attacker gets into a two-way conversation between a client and a host. This is called “hijacking the session” between the client and the host. This is how hackers steal and change information.

Follow the steps below to protect yourself from MITM attacks:

5. SQL Injection Attack 

If a hacker changes a standard Structured Query Language (SQL) query on a database-driven website, this is called a SQL injection attack. It is spread by putting lousy code into a website’s search box, giving the server important information.

SQL injection prevention:

6. Denial-of-Service Attack

A Denial-of-Service Attack is a significant risk for businesses. Attackers go after systems, servers, or networks and flood them with traffic to use their resources and bandwidth.

When this happens, the servers can’t handle all of the requests coming in, so the website they host shuts down or moves more slowly. It means that the actual proposals for service must be met.

DDoS attack prevention:

7. Insider Threat

An insider threat is a danger from the inside. It may be a company insider who understands everything. Insider threats are devastating. Small firms have several data accounts, making insider attacks familiar. Ambition, malice, or negligence may cause this kind of assault. Insider dangers are tough to foresee.

Preventing insider threat:

8. Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking involves cryptocurrencies. Attackers use others’ computers to mine bitcoin. Infecting a website or tricking the user into clicking a dangerous link gives access. They also employ JavaScript advertisements online. Crypto mining code operates in the background, so victims only notice a delay in execution.

Steps to avoid crypto-jacking:

9. Zero-Day Exploit

Zero-Day Exploits occur after network vulnerabilities are announced and are usually incurable. So, the manufacturer informs consumers of the exposure, which also alerts attackers.

Prevent zero-day exploits:

10. Watering Hole Attack

In this case, a victim is a specific group of people in an organisation, region, etc. In this attack, the attacker goes after websites that the group often visits. Websites are found by keeping a close eye on the group or by guessing.

Steps to avoid the watering hole attack:

In this post about forms of cyber attack awareness, you have learned all there is to know about cyber assaults. Since the number of cyber crimes continues to rise, it is crucial to be aware of cyber awareness and how to secure a network.

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