Getting discharged from the hospital can be a huge relief, but how you get home is also an important consideration during the discharge process. Whether you take a taxi, get a ride from family or friends, or require medical transport, understanding and planning your options in advance is vital for a smooth transition. We’ll explore some top transportation choices to help you successfully and safely get home from the hospital.
Family/Friend Support
If possible, relying on friends or family members to drive you home when discharged can minimize complications and reduce costs. You’ll already feel comfortable and at ease around loved ones compared to commercial or medical transport staff. Your family will also know your home situation best to determine if any arrangements must be made before your arrival. However, don’t hesitate to ask for outside transportation services if friends/family are unavailable or you require ambulance-level care like vital sign monitoring en route.
Taxi Services
For quick, no-frills transport, an everyday taxi is an affordable option. A taxi allows independence without relying on others if you feel up to riding in a standard car seat. Keep in mind there is basically no medical supervision or equipment beyond basic first aid kits. So, taxis work best for stable patients discharged with only oral medications or minor at-home treatments. Those with excessive mobility challenges may also have difficulty getting in/out of a taxi. Always confirm that the taxi vehicle can properly accommodate your needs.
Public Transit
Similar to taxis, public transportation like city buses, subways, and light rail trains provide cheap transport as an independent alternative home. This is again best suited to stable patients with no or mild medical conditions being managed through oral medication. Make sure your home is easily accessible on your local public transit routes and stations if choosing this option. Note that standing and walking to/from stops may be tiring after discharge.
Paratransit Services
Paratransit can serve as an in-between option before considering a more intensive ambulance transport. Paratransit vans have wheelchair capabilities if needed and some medical supervision from trained staff on board each vehicle. This provides more physical/medical support than solo options like taxis or public transit can offer. They have more flexibility too for transporting medical equipment if necessary. Check with your paratransit agency regarding specific eligibility criteria and any fees depending on your insurance status.
Ambulance Transport
For higher-level care, medically-equipped ambulance transportation will be required by some patients for discharge from hospital. If you relied on telemetry monitors, IV medications, oxygen support, or other moderate/critical interventions in-hospital – or are at risk of needing them – ambulance transport ensures you’ll have properly trained EMT staff on board and emergency response capabilities if issues arise. Ground ambulance services are typically covered under medical insurance plans or Medicare. Just be aware of when ambulance transport is truly medically necessary and when another option may work to prevent unnecessary charges.
Consider all your unique needs – medical, mobility, convenience, and cost – when deciding how to get home comfortably and safely after being discharged. Planning the logistics around your transportation in advance eases the transition and can give you much-needed peace of mind. With so many options now available, from getting picked up by family to reserving wheelchair-accessible vans to having an ambulance waiting curbside if required, you can find the right hospital discharge transport solution for your situation with the right guidance.