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Gynecomastia and Fat Breast Transfer

How much do you know about a condition called gynecomastia? Well this is a condition that will cause men or boys to have enlarged breasts, due to a higher level of estrogen. This can cause your breast tissue to swell, and thus result in larger breasts.

If you think you might have this condition, visit your doctor to learn more about the condition and treatment. You can also check out gynecomastia surgery cost Sydney if you are interested in the cost, or simply talk to your doctor during the consultation.

First, you need to find a good doctor

About gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is a condition that can affect one or both breasts, and only your doctor can diagnose you properly. Generally, this is not seen as a serious health problem, but it can cause a lot of self-image issues, thus it is better to have your body examined by a real doctor. Gynecomastia could also go away on its own, but if it persists, talk to your doctor.


The symptoms of gynecomastia include swollen breast tissues and breast tenderness. So, if you think your breasts are swollen, you are experiencing pain or tenderness in your breasts, or you have discharge from your nipples, you might have this condition.

Diagnosis and treatment

First, your doctor will ask you a series of questions, to cover your medical history and drug use, which can tell him or her more about your overall condition. Then you will have a fun psychical examination of your breasts, and you could get some tests done, such as blood tests, mammograms, CT scans, MRI scans, and so on.

The usual treatment of this condition can be waiting it out. Since gynecomastia is known to go away on its own, this might be the first recommendation from your doctor. However, if you had this for a longer period then your doctor will consider a different type of a treatment, depending on the cause of your gynecomastia.

Keep in mind that if gynecomastia appears without any apparent cause, it could take up to two years for it to go away on its own. So, it might be recommended to have regular checkups with your doctor instead of going through a rougher treatment. Make sure to talk to your doctor.

Fat transfer breast (women)

If you are interested in changing the shape and size of your breasts, there is a surgery that is known to give you more natural outcome. However, the fat transfer breast cannot give you any size that you want. You can learn more about this procedure if you check out fat transfer breast augmentation Sydney or do your online research instead.

Breast augmentation can make a big difference

Final word

Those who are not satisfied with their appearance should know that there is a surgical procedure that could fix that, potentially. Today, the advancements in cosmetic and plastic surgery have evolved a lot, thus, there is a surgery that could fix all your self-image issues. But make sure to have a proper consultation with your doctor first.

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