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How Do You Go About Installing a Flag Holder For Trucks?

If you’ve got an event you’re going to in the near future and you’d like to fly your flag of choice, then you need to either pay someone to install a pole mount or you can do it yourself. The good news is that installing a flag holder for trucks is pretty easy.

So, to help, we’re now going to go through the process, step by step. By following this mini-guide, you’ll know how to go about it. Like we said, it is a pretty simple installation, so if you’re even a little bit handy, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.

You have to be careful with issues like clearance too, but typically speaking, if you’re using a standard 5×3 flag, a regular pole at the sturdy end of the scale will be suitable. 

It’s Simple Enough If you Follow The Steps

One option open to you is to have your flag holder for trucks installed professionally, but obviously, this is going to add to the cost of the installation. As you can see from what we’ve told you here, it’s a fairly straightforward process to get it installed, so long as you take everything you need to into consideration.

Perhaps the most important factor that you need to consider is that of safety. So, as long as you don’t set up your flag in such a way that it might come off on the highway – and cause an accident – you can’t really go too far wrong. That said, you don’t want to ruin your truck, so if you’re worried about doing so, a professional install might be better.

That’s it from us. We hope that you found our blog made things just a little bit easier for you. 



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