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How Full Spectrum Grow Glasses Benefit Your Plants

Do any kind of research into full spectrum LED grow lights and it won’t be long before you encounter wise advice telling you that you need to wear full spectrum grow glasses when using them. Thankfully, awareness of this particular problem is increasing all of the time, so most people take the considered option of buying protection to ensure eye health.

However, what isn’t perhaps so widely known is that wearing this kind of eye protection actually makes you a better grower of your plant of choice. So, the benefits offered by these often stylish eyewear products are two-fold. Let’s take a look at what it is about them that helps you in your growing efforts.

Helping You Spot Plant Disease

One of the selling points of full spectrum grow glasses is that they allow you to see colors as they actually are, rather than be skewed by the glare put out by your grow lights. This means that you can spot the signs of disease early enough for you to do something about it. 

This is good news to any grower, as there are quite a few diseases to watch out for that include:

With a quality pair of full spectrum grow glasses on, you’ll be able to spot the signs of all of these plant diseases and more. However, disease is not the only thing you have to be concerned with…

Stopping Plant Pests From Taking Over

Working hard to survive themselves, there’s a whole host of pests that can infest your plants and threaten their very survival. They include:

You Can Prevent All This With Full Spectrum Grow Glasses

When you buy the proper protection for your eyes, it allows you to see the discoloration of your plants,  as well as all of the pests mentioned. This gives you valuable extra time to take the necessary measures to restore plant health. 

Given that the whole reason for starting your grow room was growing success, it stands to reason that full spectrum grow glasses should be at the top of your shopping list.

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