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Should You Repair Or Replace Your Window: How To Decide?

Should you repair your window or get it replaced? It is a tough decision to make. Perhaps you are struggling to close or open your windows, or a poor seal is causing water leakage. Maybe you are getting high energy bills. These are some of the common problems that homeowners face with old and damaged windows. But is it the right time to replace your window or should you get it repaired? Let’s understand more in this post. 

The choice between whether you should repair or replace your window often boils down to cost. But there are several other factors you should consider to make an informed decision. 

Repairing vs. Replacing Your Window – Common Window Problems to Consider  

A wide range of problems could impact the efficient functioning of your windows. Repairing is a practical option when you need to fix only one or two windows, or the frame is in good condition. Window repair also makes sense when the issue is a small mechanical one and you can save money on hefty replacement costs. 

On the other hand, if all your windows are damaged or there are complex issues that need extensive repairs, you should consider replacements.  

Discussed here are some common window problems and when should you consider repairing vs. replacement.  

So, even if it is a small crack or your entire window pane is broken, it needs to be replaced. A professional roofer is the best person to tell if you need to replace the whole window unit or the entire sash.   

However, you should consider replacing your window if you have broken glass or there is excess water infiltration due to a poor exterior window casing. 

The Final Words 

When it comes to repairing or replacing your window, always look into the problem thoroughly. Is it a minor problem and can be fixed with repairs? However, you should consider replacing it if the problem is big and affecting your energy bills, comfort, and safety. You should know how to measure windows for replacement or consult a professional like Advance Roofing LLC for high-quality and precise window replacements.      


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