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What to Do When Injured By Cracked Sidewalk on Private Property

Unfortunately, accidents happen and they can happen on private property. Even from just a cracked sidewalk, you can suffer from an injury. So, what should you do if you get injured from a cracked sidewalk on private property

The Basics

First, location matters when filing a personal injury claim. Commercial and residential property are both considered private property.

Business owners have high standards for a safe environment and have the duty to take precautions, especially when there is a defect in a sidewalk that is located on the property. The owner of the property is responsible for repairing all cracks in a timely manner and maintaining a safe sidewalk. 

Homeowners must also keep sidewalks on their property safe. A homeowner could receive notice to repair their sidewalks at any time and they must do this in a timely manner or they could get a ticket or fine. Plus, they could be held responsible when someone is injured. 

For all private property owners, they must take the responsibility of either keeping sidewalks safe or posting a sign of a cracked sidewalk that could be dangerous and cause injury.

All sidewalks are expected to be safe, however, some have cracked pavements or chipped concrete, which can cause slip and falls leading to serious or life-threatening injuries. These injuries include head trauma, a broken hip, broken leg, or broken arm. Anyone can be injured from an unsafe sidewalk, but senior citizens, children, those with strollers, those using a cane, walkers, and wheelchairs are at most risk.

Filing a Claim

Just like with any personal injury, you will want to receive medical attention right away. Then, you will want to file a claim to receive damages to help pay for medical bills and any loss of wages due to the injury. 

Negligence must be proven along with proof of injuries that resulted directly from the unsafe sidewalk. 

For a successful personal injury from a cracked sidewalk claim, you must prove that the owner of the private property was aware of the dangerous condition, but made no effort to fix it or post a warning sign. 

Of course, photos, witness statements, and the proper medical documents will help make your case stronger. 

Working with an Attorney

If you have suffered a personal injury from a cracked sidewalk on private property, you should always speak with the personal injury attorneys in Philadelphia to start a claim. The team at Edelstein Law specializes in all types of personal injury cases and will aggressively fight for you. With the help of Edelstein Law, our legal team will take care of your entire case so that you can direct all of your energy on healing!





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