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Best Way to Pack For a Move

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Although it happens a few times in the life of the average Canadian, moving is a pretty big deal. And no matter how many times you prepare for a move, there are always examples of good practices to save for next time. Let’s Get Moving is one of the best moving and storage companies in Toronto, and we would like to share some tips. Our experience has taught us a lot, since we manage thousands of moves every year, and it is time to share from this experience. And small details add up to a huge difference. Here is what we believe is the best way to pack for a move.

Choose a packing area

You cannot really go around the house and pack randomly, wherever you can. It is better to assign an area in your home, as large as possible, as a packing area. It should be at least as large as to fit the biggest moving boxes. Keep the moving supplies near that area at all times and try to keep everything tidy. If your moving boxes, markers, tape, shrink wrap, bubble wrap and scissors are all over the place, you will find it quite difficult and annoying to engage in treasure hunts every time you need something. Of course, if you want to ease up your life as much as you can, you can hire one of the moving and storage companies in Toronto to help you do the packing. This way, you won’t have to bother worrying to find the cheapest moving supplies in Toronto or finding space in your house for doing the packing.

Markers are important

Marking your boxes and bags and labelling everything with keywords and notes will help you a lot later. Write down anything that is useful to know about the box. From the room you packed inside to small details, from “FRAGILE” to “FOR DONATIONS”, nothing is irrelevant or unimportant. And if you have items that go to storage, definitely have them marked properly. It’s not such a big effort, and our movers will thank you for that. A few words written with the marker can really make the difference. When professional moving and storage companies in Toronto are in charge of the packing, they always mark everything properly. Just think about it: when you unpack, the order in which you open boxes is important to the process. So why not make your life easier?

Pack one room at a time

And take this advice from Gatineau movers, as one of the most wanted moving and storage company. We have seen hundreds, if not thousands of people who packed by themselves and then realized they combined items from more rooms inside the same boxes. And, obviously, they regretted this choice. Start packing as soon as you can, so that you won’t have to rush things at the last moment. Take the rooms one by one and make sure you don’t mix boxes. You wouldn’t really want to combine kitchen supplies with bath bombs or shower gels, would you? Unpacking will be easier this way, as well. And, again, don’t forget to label and mark everything!

Don’t overfill your boxes

Balance the types of items you fill your boxes with. Instead of putting the heaviest books in one box, better make boxes with combinations of books and plush toys, for example. Ideally, a box should not exceed 50 lbs. And, of course, keep them box-shaped. You know what we mean by that: don’t overfill boxes up to the point where the duct tape is barely keeping the cardboard together. That leaves a lot of room for accidents and damages. And the same goes for heavy boxes: either you or your movers risk getting injured if boxes weigh too much. And after all, what is even the point? Having a few extra boxes instead of trying hard to save on box space is definitely a better, safer idea. Moreover, it will keep both you and your movers safe.

Consider storage options

Packing for a move is a perfect time to realize how many things in your house are never used by anyone. Giving up on them might be difficult, if you are sentimentally attached to them, so donations might not be an option for you at the time. If this is the case, how about putting the unused items in a storage facility? You save precious space in your new home, as opposed to constantly bumping into things you don’t use. Most moving and storage companies in Toronto, including Let’s Get Moving, have very low rents for their storage units. And the best part is everything will be kept safe until you need them again – or until you decide what to do with them. Remember to pack and mark properly everything that goes into storage!

Packing can become less of a burden if you do it right. If you ask us, the best way to do it is to hire professionals. This will save you time and energy and you will be able to focus on things that are more important to you. But if you want to pack by yourself, we hope this article is useful. And when you decide to contact moving and storage companies Toronto, Let’s Get Moving is right here for you. There is a free estimate for you at the other end of the line, so call us today!

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