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Tips to sell on Mercari

Best advice to sell in one of the biggest marketplaces

Mercari is one of the biggest marketplaces in the world. Most of its success is because of the huge variety of products that you can sell and purchase on it, the security of its transactions, the ease of publication and the low commission of 10%. Selling on mercari is a great option for those entrepreneurs and companies that want to achieve a wider and more varied public.

What can you sell on Mercari?

Literally, any product you want. That old pair of shoes, the desk you won´t use anymore, the toys of your grown child or some collection article you need to sell to get some extra money. Maybe what is trash for you could be gold for another one. So, next time you are about to throw something away, think twice and consider publishing it on Mercari. However, you should pay attention to the time of the year. Is not the same to sell a jacket in summer than selling it in winter; the demand is higher as well as the value. Plus, it is important to highlight that meetings do not exist with Mercari. Sales are 100% virtual.

How to sell on Mercari?

Of course there is not a magic trick to success in Mercari, but there does exist some piece of advice that may help you if you are interested in it. First of all, pictures are the very beginning of the sale. Create the necessity in the consumer by taking the best pictures you can, well illuminated, vertical, with a plain and clear background and without flash. If you attract the consumer with the picture, the next step is to convince him or her with the description of the product. It should include every simple detail on it: the brand, the use time, if it has imperfections, and any information you consider you would ask if you were the buyer. Also, if the product has some history because of who used it or who used to be its owner you might include it; people like it.

Prices and payments

All of us want to win the largest amount of money possible, but in Mercari it doesn´t work that way. You need to be competitive with the price other people publish if you want your products to be sold. A higher price is only worth it if the item has some history behind. Another solution you can provide to the buyer and that will be appreciated for sure is if you include the shipping on the price. People usually don’t have any issue with paying it because they know it is safe and protected by Mercari, but maybe they can get surprised when they see a price and they have to add the shipping separately. Once the transaction is done, your money will be credited in some minutes, so after that, take one minute to ask the shopper if everything is ok.






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