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Why Thailand is a Popular Digital Nomad Destination

The digital nomad is a new breed of entrepreneur and he or she has the freedom to travel while working, thanks to the digital nature of their business. All they need is a laptop, an Internet connection and they are good to go!

Imagine having the freedom to travel while working!

It might be online trading; crypto or Forex, or it might be delivering design services and many nomads are e-commerce business owners. Anything IT-related can be done remotely, while professionals such as lawyer and consultants can also deliver their services via the web.

Why Thailand?

The reasons are indeed many, starting with the fantastic IT infrastructure; you can have hi-speed Internet for $30 a month and coverage is nationwide, allowing you to work at any location. Travelling is also easy and safe, the road and rail networks are on a par with Europe, while a/c coaches are always available.

Learning to speak Thai

Outside of the tourist areas, English is not widely spoken and with affordable Thai language courses, you can pick up enough Thai to get by. If you are not afraid to try and talk with the locals, your language skills will quickly develop and living in Thailand is much easier.

Low cost of living

Thailand is much cheaper than Europe or the US and this is one of the main reasons DMs (digital nomads) choose the Royal Kingdom of Thailand. Even when you factor in air fares, living and working in Thailand allows you to save for a rainy day and most DMs stay for around 6 months a year, spending time at home and in other Southeast Asian countries.

Thai food

This is reason enough to relocate to Thailand; known to have the best street food in the world, you can enjoy a wide range of delicious dishes, while Thai restaurants are everywhere and they deliver to your door! Here are a few things to consider when relocating to a foreign country.

Cheap accommodation

There are many condo units for rental; $300 a month gets you a luxury condo in a 5-star development with pool, fitness room and all the amenities you would expect at such a development. You could share a luxury pool villa with a couple of other nomads for around the same budget and hotels offer long-term deals that are attractive. Most rent for a month when they first arrive, which gives you time to look around and find the right place for long-term rent.


Staying long-term can present visa issues; if you are aged 50 or over, you can apply for a retirement visa which is renewed annually. Otherwise, you can apply for a tourist visa at the Thai Embassy in your home country and this 60-day visa can be further extended for 30 days, then a further 15 days, which gives you a total of 105 days. Check out the Thai Immigration website for more visa information.

If you work remotely, Thailand ticks all the boxes.

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