It doesn’t matter how much and how hard have you studied for the exam, but if you don’t put your answers in the right manner all become in vain. It is obvious that students become anxious and nervous while solving the board question papers. Nonetheless, the pressure of the exams is overwhelming and you should focus on some tips so that you will be able to attain high grades. Though the situation is too tricky we can work on it by following these 6 amazing tips we have bought for you
Smart use of additional 15 mins
The most important point that should be kept in mind is the smart use of the extra 15 minutes provided to you all. Rather than wasting those golden minutes going here and there, check your answer sheet twice. Ensure, you have attempted all the questions like the concept of this 15 minutes is only introduced by the board of directors to make student check their answer sheet. Else, you may divide these 15 minutes in reading the question paper carefully and checking the answer sheet equally if you are panic.
Set priorities
Another most important point is to set up all the priorities as the question containing high marks should be given priority so that you will be able to gain marks. Nonetheless, you can list out those questions for which you are most confident along with this try to write the answers in order rather than shuffling them. Although, board question papers are a little tough but setting the priorities will give you the confidence to resolve the issues you are facing.
Make bullet points for each answer
Making the bullet points and explaining your answers using the presentation will create a positive impact on the examiner. However, solving board question papers are made to write to the point answers and avoid writing irrelevant things. Other than this, focus on keeping all your answers left justified as most of the examiners like this way of presentation.
Choose optional questions wisely
When you see an option in the question, you feel happy that you can do any one of them but in this happiness sometimes you take the wrong decision. Instead of being happy at that moment choose wisely which one is perfect or about which one you can write more. Avoided being regretful after selecting the wrong question because of haste.
Don’t skip any question, attempt all
Yeah! The most important thing before solving board question papers is you should know that doesn’t skip any question and attempt all. Skipping the question may lead to negative markings and can create low grades for you. However, if you don’t know the answer to any question, write nearby answers rather than skipping the same.
Don’t panic
Don’t panic while writing board question papers as it is not necessary that you know all the answers. Nevertheless, there may be some questions that you may find beyond your knowledge but don’t panic or be afraid at that time.
Instead of being panic, solve the same calmly and re-read again.
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