10 Steps to Follow Before You Plan Pest Control At Home

Pest control is the only option left when you and your property are constantly attacked by stubborn pests. Most of these pests keep coming back despite using common pesticides available in the market. Hence, there comes a strong need for professional pest control services such as Saela services at your place.

These professionals will ask you to follow certain steps before calling for pest control services at your place:

  • Relocate Pets and Kids

It is extremely crucial to move pets and kids to a different place before you get pest control services started at your place. Pets and kids are very susceptible to the chemicals used and may immediately fall either ill or allergic to these harsh chemicals. You can also ask the pest controllers to dilute the chemicals if used on some common pests.

  • Clutter Clearance

Keep your place clutter-free if you have called for professional pest control services. Cluttered place will not allow the professionals to reach every nook and corner of your place. Few common pests such as rats or rodents and cockroaches survive only in this clutter. Unless you remove it and clear the way, such pests will never get exterminated.

  • Clean Your Place Beforehand

It is not advisable to clean your house immediately after the pest control. This process will wash off all the chemicals from the surfaces thereby wasting time and efforts involved to get rid of pests. Hence, clean your place before you are done with the pest control. This will further facilitate pest control and its long lasting effects. 

  • Open All Cupboards and Shelves

Most of the pests thrive in cupboards and shelves. These areas are not attended on a daily basis and thus, small pest infestation here is quite evident. Open all these drawers, closets and shelves (remove all your stuff from here) to allow chemicals to reach in there. 

  • Do Not Leave Any Eatable

Avoid leaving any consumable item or food in the kitchen or places where pest control is suggested. Any exposure to the chemicals will make the food toxic. This can prove fatal to anyone consuming the same food. 

  • Prepare the Kitchen

Switch off all the electrical appliances in your kitchen. Switch off the gas unit and cover all the food and shelves with food on it. Lock your refrigerator and other consumable stuff. Prepare your entire kitchen before the pest control services start.

  • Pest Identification and Discussion

As the owner of the place, it is important that you must know the types of pests breeding there. You can then have a chat with the professional pest controllers. They can, thereafter, take appropriate pest control measure. Have an open discussion about the problems associated with pests so necessary actions can be taken. 

  • Remove Clothes and Bed Sheets

Remove all that you wear from the place where chemicals are going to reach. If your clothes have chemicals in it, this may produce skin irritation and other harsh allergies upon contact with skin. Many allergies associated with such harsh chemicals have proved fatal to quite a few. Hence, remove all the blankets, clothes and sheets from the targeted rooms.

  • Protect Yourself 

When dealing with strong pest control chemicals, it is mandatory that you cover your face (including nose and mouth) to protect yourself from ingesting such chemicals. Symptoms such as fatigue, severe headache, vomiting, diarrhea, breathlessness and sore eyes must be immediately reported to your general physician.

  • Provide Complete Access

Professional pest control services such as the Saela pest control requires total access to your place. If there is pest infestation in your property, controllers need to access every nook and corner of your place for total extermination of pests.