Advantages of Living in Dallas, Texas

There are many reasons that Dallas is considered one of the best cities to live in in the United States. This article will go over some of the main reasons that Dallas is such a great place to live.

An Introduction To Dallas

Dallas is a large city with all of the comforts you would expect from a large and modern city. However, it doesn’t have the high crime rates that one would expect for a city of its size, especially considering that it is the 9th largest city in the US and the most extensive metropolitan region in the Southern States.

Dallas is consistently listed among the best cities in the United States to live in and has a high quality of life. So, if you plan to move to Dallas, it will be probably your best decision. It is also well known for its business scene as it hosts many essential enterprises and offers many opportunities.

As far as culture goes, Dallas is full of it. It would be hard to think of American culture without considering Cowboys, Rock and Roll, barbeque, and football. These things make up Dallas’s very soul, not to mention the rich Tex-Mex culture that goes back centuries.

Below we will mention some of the reasons that living in Dallas is so great.

The Climate in Dallas

The climate in Dallas is a plus, especially if you like the sunshine. Dallas has an above-average amount of sunny days and a below-average amount of rain.

The winter temperatures are generally very pleasant. When the wind comes from the North, it can get a little chilly in the winter months, but it usually only lasts a few days. The summers are hot, but there is good air conditioning virtually everywhere, so most residents aren’t bothered by the heat.

Transportation in Dallas

The city is very well connected. Several highways are very wide and are meticulously maintained. The highways are well connected and easy to navigate. The highways make wide use of bridges and overpasses, which catches most visitors’ eye and dramatically contributes to the infrastructure.

The city also has an extensive bus and train system. Downtown is very well organized with a light rail system that can get you from one part of the city to another very quickly and efficiently. The DART light rail system is the longest in the United States.

The Dallas Fort Worth Airport

The Dallas Fort Worth Airport (DFW) was worth mentioning on its own since it is such an exceptional commodity. This can be said for several reasons. One reason is its sheer size. It serves almost seventy million passengers per year, the close by Love Field Airport serves close to ten million additional passengers annually. Even with this volume, the airport is very efficient and very well organized.

Another great perk connects residents to the rest of the country much more efficiently than most cities can. You can reach any city in the entire continental United States under four hours when flying from DFW. This is an excellent perk for business people who have to travel a lot and takes us to our next advantage of living in Dallas.

The Business Scene and Job Market

Dallas is famous for the oil industry, which has helped keep Dallas’ economy going in moments of national economic crisis. Even though there is an “oil crisis,” the high concentration of enterprise headquarters in Dallas has kicked in and kept the economy going at full speed.

Dallas boasts twenty-five Fortune 500 companies. That is the 3rd highest in the states, only New York City and Chicago have higher concentrations.

The average income in Dallas is over $75,000 annually. So, in any case you are planning to move to Dallas TX, you need not worry about your job. The Bureau of labor statistics puts Dallas at the top of US metropolitan areas with the highest job growth percentage (2.4%) and the second-highest as far as new jobs added annually.

Income Tax in Dallas is Non-Existent

Yes, that’s right, Texas does not have a state income tax, and Dallas does not have a local income tax! This can make quite a difference in your annual taxes. However, some extra property taxes might somewhat balance the equation.

The Entertainment Scene in Dallas

Of course, life isn’t all about work! As far as enjoying life goes, Dallas has plenty to offer. We briefly mentioned this in the introduction of this article. As far as American culture Dallas has Cowboys, Rock and Roll, barbeque, and football in its soul.

Also, there are several museums and art centers. There are a huge botanical garden and a thriving arts district downtown.

The sports scene is also at the very heart of Dallas. Dallas has one of the largest football stadiums in the United States. It is considered the most technologically advanced, boasting a retractable roof and one of the world’s largest high-definition screens.


If you are considering living in Dallas, there are many reasons to continue considering it. As we have seen, Dallas is a large and diverse city with a sprawling and prosperous metropolitan region.

The climate is warm, and the people are friendly. There is plenty to do and lots of good food to eat. It is no wonder that Dallas is constantly listed as one of the best places to live in the United States!