From Creams to Supplements: These Are the Best Anti-Aging Treatments Available Today

Anti-aging is a huge industry; picking apart what works and what doesn’t can be a painful and expensive experience. The hard truth is that it’s impossible to stop aging altogether. Even with the best treatments and methods, someone in their 60s will never look like they are in their 20s. They can, however, look fantastic. 

Aging isn’t the enemy. However, premature aging and the collective wear and tear from stress, sun damage, pollution, and hard living is. The good news is that there are ways to counteract those causes. You will need to make key lifestyle changes like cutting out smoking, heavy drinking, and heavily processed foods from your diet for the best results. Once you do that, these top treatments can help you reclaim your skin and even your quality of life. 


The single best thing that you can do to stop premature aging is to wear sunscreen every day and reapply it multiple times a day from when the sun comes up until the sun goes down. The UV light from outside is so damaging and results in sun spots, and wrinkles, and can even cause your skin to sag. In the worst-case scenario, it can even result in skin cancer. Wearing sunscreen protects you from those damaging UV rays. Remember that you will need to wear that sunscreen even if it’s cloudy, and even indoors if you don’t have windows with a UV filter. 


Diet plays a huge role in how well you age, but it can be hard to get the full list of everything we need every day from our diet alone. That’s where supplements come into play. A good place to get started is with the nutrients that you’re deficient in. From there you’ll want to focus on the essential proteins or enzymes in our bodies that start declining as we age, like NMN. NMN works to boost NAD+ levels, which in turn can help our body continue to effectively repair our DNA and boost energy and cognitive levels. 

Chemical Peels

Maintaining good habits now stops further damage. You will, however, have to wait through the skin’s natural turnover cycle before you can see what your efforts have actually offered you. If those results aren’t good enough or you want results faster, then a chemical peel or similar treatment is a great choice. These types of treatments remove the top layer of skin to reveal the skin underneath and encourage cell turnover, which can give you brighter skin and reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Derma Fillers

Age, sun damage, and genetics may mean that you notice your skin starts to sag. This is because collagen production decreases and happens as we get older, and our faces lose their “baby fat”. If you want to reclaim that youthful look, then getting derma fillers can be just what the doctor ordered. These filters are used to reduce the look of heavy-set bags under the eyes, can plump up cheeks, and more.