There is a wealth of material on the internet about how to care for unreal fur. However, all of these recommendations are based on incorrect information. Don’t take advice on fur care from just anybody. Fur is a tough, one-of-a-kind stuff.
Professional furriers spend years studying and practising from fur fashion houses to fully master fur. Following the advice of non-fur experts, such as relatives, neighbours, or companies, may result in costly or irreversible harm to your fur coat or jacket.
Maintaining the fur can seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and experience, it is an easy task. You’ll be able to use your coat for years to come if you think ahead and handle it properly.
Fixing your fur is the first step of your fur care plan. Any tears, rips, or damage to your fur or inside the padding should be repaired as soon as possible. Also, minor damage will soon deteriorate, necessitating more costly repairs.
You should call a master furrier for some fixes. Unlike popular fabrics like denim and cotton, fur is a one-of-a-kind item. Since fur is such a high-end item, it requires special care. You risk ruining your investment by taking it to a regular tailor or seamstress. Standard mending techniques with regular thread and needles would not be sufficient to patch the clothing.
During expert mending, repairs are made from the inside of the suit. These kinds of repairs are more stable and won’t be visible from the outside while you’re wearing the cap.
When you’re getting your fur washed, get it checked for other possible tears and get all fixes done at the same time.
Storing your coat’s pelts properly is one of the easiest ways to keep them looking fine, shiny, and soft. During the off-seasons of mid-spring and summer, experts suggest keeping the fur well protected. When looking for storage space, look for a reputable fur manufacturer with a good reputation. You should be able to entrust your fur to this company for almost half of the year.
Fur should be stored in a temperature-controlled setting. The temperature in the storage vault should be kept cool. Cold temperatures help to conserve the natural oils in fur. In this case, humidity-controlled storage is advantageous.
Moisture in the air affects the hairs on the pelt as well. Humidity levels that are too high or too low will weaken the coat and allow it to degenerate prematurely.
Another important factor to remember is vermin control. Moths and ticks are almost as fond of your fur as you are. The vault should be professionally closed to keep glitches and unwanted guests out.
Here are a few helpful hints to bear in mind when wearing your coat in the winter:
- Don’t use cedar closets. Because of the wood, cedar closets are ideal for storing products that do not need moisture. This is, though, precisely why you do not store fur in cedar fields.
- Say no to mothballs. Many mothballs contain chemicals that can react adversely with your fur.
- Avoid garment bags. The fur could “breathe” while being kept at home. Garment bags of any kind should not be used and, if left for an extended time, they will limit air circulation.
- Stay away from heat. This one should go without saying, but fur and fire don’t mix well. To avoid drying and burns, keep your fur away from heat sources in your house, such as vents.
Although there are several do-it-yourself fur cleaning options, experts recommend having your fur garment professionally washed at least once a year. Pollen, odours, and other microscopic contaminants are prevented by cleaning the coat. To wash fur properly, conditioning and glazing should be used. After a professional shower, your fur coat can look and feel brand new.
With a little planning and know-how, your fur care plan will help preserve your unreal fur for years of enjoyment.
![Ellen Hollington](
Ellen Hollington is a freelance writer who offers to ghostwrite, copywriting, and blogging services. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases their search engine visibility.