The vertebral column consists of 33 vertebrae that protect our spinal cord. There are cartilages between vertebral discs that protect the vertebra itself against shock. Some ligaments hold these vertebrae together. The intervertebral discs facilitate mobility in the spine. The intervertebral discs have inner and outer rings. An injury can cause the intervertebral fluid to leak through the outer ring. This phenomenon is known as a slipped disc. A slipped disc can cause severe pain. The reason for the pain is the pressure exerted by the disc on the spinal nerves. Old age, injury, etc. can cause the gel to come out of the outer ring. There are some slipped disc symptoms like an increase in pain due to a type of movement. There are pain and numbness on one side of the body, burning feeling, etc. The pain extends down the limbs. Muscular weakness is experienced in the legs and buttocks. Pain increases with walking or even standing for long.
Types of Slipped Disc
A slipped disc can be a herniated disc or a bulging disc. A herniated disc is caused by the prolapsed disc that tears the outer covering and bulges out. A herniated disc can cause pain in the neck, back, arms, etc. A bulging dis is the one where there is a shift of the disc from its normal position. Old is the main reason for the slipped disc. The water retained in the discs since birth is lost due to old age causing dryness. The dryness causes enhanced friction and rupture may result in pressure on the area. Obesity, sedentary life, lifting heavy weights, etc. can be other causes. A doctor will do a clinical examination before diagnosing the disorder. The doctor may ask for an X-ray or an MRI. There are different ways of treating a slipped disc. Anti-inflammatory medicines are often prescribed for relief from pain. Steroid injections too, are prescribed along with pain-relieving injections.
Physiotherapy can minimize pain and you can get a lot of relief after multiple sessions with a physiotherapist. If you want a physiotherapist in your city, you may google physiotherapists near me. Exercises recommended for herniated disc disorder must be done under the supervision of a trained physiotherapist.
You may get the slip disc treatment at home. The physiotherapists can visit your home guiding you on low-impact exercises. They can even diagnose your condition. The exercises suggested by them will strengthen the muscles around your spine. They also cause a better flow of blood bringing relief to the patient. The pain in the area will be lessened. There are activities you can avoid like vacuuming, strenuous exercises, gardening, shovelling, lifting weight, etc. Surgery is the last resort when everything else fails. Herniated disc treatment, at home, can be done by the expert physiotherapists.