4 Ways to Help a Friend Who Was in a Motorcycle Accident

The first moment you find out your friend has been in a motorcycle accident, the emotions start their roller coaster ride. 

You’re terrified of the worst, then relieved that they’re “okay.” But then the relief turns to fear, concern, and worry as you find out exactly how bad the injuries are.

The truth is, injuries from motorcycle accidents are usually pretty severe. In fact, statistics show that motorcyclists have a 38% higher chance of dying in a crash than car drivers. Therefore, learning how to ride safely is top priority before riders get on their bike.

So if your friend is still here, that’s a major blessing in itself. This soon after their accident, though, they might not see it that way. And that’s where you come in.

If you truly want to help your friend, you can be there for them as a guide and encourager. Use these tips to be the best support system you can be while they begin the road to recovery.

1. Be There Consistently

We all have “fair-weather friends” who are always there for us when things are going well. These same people tend to disappear when we’re struggling, though.

Make sure your friend knows that you’re a constant in their life. They can depend on you, talk to you, and ask for help if they need it.

When you show up consistently, either through texting, calling, or going in person, they’ll trust you to share their weaknesses. At that point, your friendship and shoulder will be more important to them than any “action” you can give.

2. Get Knowledgeable

There’s a wealth of information available online and in print on how to recover after an accident. Early on, though, your friend probably isn’t interested in doing any research. They’re trying to deal with the pain, mental trauma, red tape, and logistics.

Although there isn’t much you can do for them at this point, you can start to absorb some information to help later. 

Learn About Their Injuries

Find out what their diagnoses are and read up on symptoms, treatments, and recovery lengths. Get familiar with natural therapies, conservative options, and medicinal interventions. 

Right now, they’ve seen an emergency room doctor and are listening to that advice. At some point, they’ll be ready to try something else, and you’ll be able to point them in a general direction if they ask you for advice. 

It’s okay to make suggestions. However, don’t try to be a doctor, and if they have a lawyer, you can remind them to ask their legal help for the next step. 

The more knowledge you have about their situation, the easier it will be for you to know what to expect and what they’ll be going through. When they begin to get depressed or give up, your information can be exactly the encouragement they need to continue.

3. Step in To Help Out

No one likes to feel weak and needy. Still, your friend is going to need some help, and they won’t be happy about it.

How you step in to help out is important. It needs to be done carefully, so they don’t think they’re a burden to you.

Examples of How You Can Actively Help

Instead of saying, “Let me know if I can do anything to help you,” offer specific details. “Can I grab you anything from the store while I’m there today” works well since you’re already going. 

It’s harder to turn you down if you stop by their house to walk their dog or bring them a meal. 

While you’re there, ask them if they have any appointments that week or have any medications that need to be picked up. Let them know that since you have plenty of notice, it’s not a big deal at all to take them to the doctor or lawyer (if you can). 

Maybe your kids go to the same school, and you can pick everyone up for a little while. Any help is one less thing they have to worry about, letting them focus on recovering.

4. Stay Positive

Your friend is already fighting the natural emotions that come with a painful, traumatic accident. The last thing they need is you trying to “help” but complaining the whole time.

No matter what’s going on in your life, keep it to yourself for a little while. It’s not always easy to stay positive. If you’re going to be negative, you’re better off staying away.

Don’t ghost them, though. Send them a text or make a quick phone call and say, “Hey, I’m not going to be able to come by today, but I’ll be there tomorrow for sure!” They don’t need to know that you’re struggling, or they’ll be less likely to lean on you for support.

This doesn’t mean you always have to radiate rainbows and glittery unicorns. Just keep calm, and remember that you can complain about your problems to someone else or talk to your friend when they’re feeling better.

If the other person seems to be depressed a lot, your positivity really does help. They might complain and push you away, but stay consistent. Stick by their side, even if they say they don’t need you.


After a motorcycle accident, your friend could use someone like you to support them. With these tips, you can guide them on their path to healing and be the person they can trust when they need help.