Don’t Put Your Skin at Risk, Reduce Your Skin Cancer Odds

Skin cancers are usually associated with sun exposure so whenever you are sunbathing or pursuing the perfect tan, you should be concerned about damaging your skin. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can give sunburn even on overcast days and even lead to skin cancer. If the diagnosis is done at an early phase, skin cancer is usually curable and one can largely prevent skin cancer by taking precautions when spending time outdoors, no matter what time of year.

By embracing some simple actions like applying sunscreen and having regular checkups for your skin by seeing a dermatologist one can safely enjoy the great outdoors while protecting the health of sensitive skin around them.

Specialists at places like Sundoctors guide every individual who is at a higher risk for developing skin cancer with special tips and make them cautious about sun exposure. Even they suggest seeing a dermatologist for a full-body examination once a year as it is a cumulative one.

Through research it has been observed that Skin cancer risk factors are numerous which we have tried to mention it below: –

  • It can be caused because of a personal history of skin cancer or precancerous skin lesions

  • If the skin has the tendency to freckle or burn easily

  • If one has exposed his skin to the sun throughout life for a maximum period

  • If one is subjected to many sunburns as a child or adolescent

  • If any family has a history of skin cancer or conditions that are more likely to develop into skin cancer

  • At any period of life if one has incurred any chronic, non-healing wounds or burn injuries

  • Exposed to Radiation therapy

  • Exposure to toxic materials, such as arsenic

  • Exposure to certain subtypes of human papillomavirus

  • Patients with Organ transplant on immunosuppressant drugs also have an increased risk of skin cancer

That’s why preventing skin cancer by protecting yourself completely requires a comprehensive approach. To reduce the odds of putting the skin at risk one needs to follow some simple guidelines in their life which are: –

  • Avoid direct sunlight as much as possible during the peak sun hours or seek shade during this period.

  • Don’t get sunburned and wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 containing both UVA and UVB protection.

  • Avoid tanning, and never use UV tanning beds.

  • Choose water-resistant products while swimming that are more likely to stay on your skin.

  • Wear lip balm with an SPF 15 or higher.

  • Cover up with clothing and wear a hat at least a three-inch brim and tightly woven fabric to protect your face and the top of your while in the sun. Tightly woven fibres and darker clothing generally provide more protection including a UV-blocking sunglass.

  • Wear sunglasses year-round whenever you are out in the sun and choose shades that block 99 to 100 per cent of both UVA and UVB light.

  • Eye protection is important even when there is cloud cover. Take extra care near water, snow and sand: 80 per cent or more of the sun’s rays reflect off of these surfaces and hit your skin.

  • UV intensity increases with altitude, so be sure to protect your eyes and skin while skiing, snowboarding and hiking.

  • Before taking an antibiotic or other medication, ask your doctor or nurse if it may increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun.

  • Apply 1 ounce of sunscreen to your entire body 30 minutes before going outside.

  • Even use sunscreen on babies over the age of six months.

  • Examine your skin head-to-toe properly every month.

  • See a dermatologist at least once a year for a professional skin exam.

Keep in mind that sunscreen alone is not enough and it is better to be in the shade whenever possible. Wear proper sun-safe attire, a wide hat and UV-blocking sunglasses, to ensure a sun-safe life.