Is a Foamex Board Right for You – Its Usage and Advantages

When looking for signage boards, thinking about the right kind of material is perhaps the first thing that will cross your mind. Now before we come down to the nitty-gritty of whether a Foamex Board should be your choice of material, let’s gain a better insight into what it really is. So, let’s begin with a very basic question

What is a Foamex Board?

Foamex boards are essentially superior quality and quite versatile PVC foam sheets, that are very fabrication friendly. To be honest, they are probably one of the easiest materials out there which you can easily bend, drill, glue, cut and then, of course, most importantly, you can print on it.

Now that this basic definition is out of the way, let’s look into where its usage lies. This brings us to the next question at hand –

What is a Foamex Board used for?

A Foamex board can be primarily used for making banners, signage or exhibition display panels. In fact, its fine cell structure makes it one of the most preferred choices for digital printers (professional ones of course). It comes in a variety of colours and specific sizes (3mm foamex and 5mm foamex being some of the most popular ones for signage). The fact of the matter is that you can actually achieve high quality, aesthetically appealing display products, which look far more expensive in quality, than they really are. All in all, they are a cost-effective option, and worth every penny you spend on them in terms of getting a bang for your buck.

Now coming to the pertinent question at hand, let the Foamex Printing Company elaborate for you, the goods about using a Foamex board, so moving on to the next question

What are its Advantages?

  • Cost Effective and Durable: Foamex Printing Company’s Foamex board is generally manufactured with high quality and smooth finish, and can be fabricated or cut to shape according to your needs. Its flexibility allows designers to create the most attractive graphic panels for advertising purposes or exhibitions. Of course, there exist more expensive options in the market such as plywood, aluminium and MDF boards, but when you think of cost-effectiveness, a Foamex board always stands out. Lets’ just add in the factor that it is extremely durable as well.
  • It Can Be Used Outdoors: A Foamex Board is water repellent and quite essentially weatherproof, which means that it doesn’t absorb moisture, which makes it ideal for outdoor applications. Going a step further Foamex Printing Company also gives you a warranty again UV fading indoors as well as outdoors.
  • Ease of Mounting: Foamex Board is made out of strong, durable and rigid material. This makes it quite easy to hang with the help of self-tapping screws, double-sided adhesive pads or even double-sided Velcro tape. If you mount your Foamex board, it will offer you amazing dimensional stability and also help you in being able to use it multiple times, without any constraints. The added factor of the variety of thickness available (for example 3mm Foamex, 5mm Foamex etc.) can help you choose the rigidity of your signage in accordance with the kind of surrounding conditions it is going to be subjected to.
  • Lightweight: Going ahead with what we mentioned earlier about the ease of mounting, it really doesn’t even have to be a two-person job, thanks to its light weight. A lot our clients have used it for advertising and promotional purposes, because it is also so much easier for the staff to handle!

Having discussed its advantages, let us talk about our personal experience at the Foamex Printing Company and how our customers have employed the use of a Foamex board

How Can You Use a Foamex Board?

Having customised a lot of printed boards for quite a wide selection of customers and clients, let us tell you from our experience at the Foamex Printing Company about its varied usage. Some of our clients have used the boards for trade shows and found it to a wonderful option for adding a signage board for their space, or some have even gone a step ahead and created a backdrop with a Foamex board that helped their booth really stand out.

There have also been clients who have used them for advertising of their seasonal campaigns, and for other sales and promotions. If you are going to creating a sale stand or even around the tills, smaller signs made out of a Foamex board are a great option.

Since it’s known for being lightweight, a Foamex board sign can be used to direct your customers to the billing point, by hanging it above the till area. Other usages can be, to direct your customers towards, changing rooms, exits, emergency exit etc.

Now if you feel that your requirement is based on the criteria of cost, durability, weight etc. then a Foamex board is your best bet. It really does have a stunning colour reproduction, as they say in the design world- the brighter the better. Apart from that, it is quite a versatile option that works quite well in most circumstances for most requirements.

If you have any more queries to discuss your options, why not get in touch with us at the Foamex Printing company and our team can help you in getting the best results?